Human Robot Interaction

Polaris – Robots for Wayfinding and Beyond


In this talk I will present the “Robot Digital Signage” project and the resulting concept named Polaris. The project has three main goals; To build a social robot platform, to develop a programming interface for app developers, and to develop a cloud solution for mapping and navigation for robot fleets. The presented work will be focused around the platform and the interaction. The chosen area of application for this specific project is wayfinding in public spaces, such as airports and hospitals. This use-case imposes constraints on the design of the robot, where a suiting match for these constraints is a ball balancing robot or ballbot. This is because a ballbot has a small footprint relative to its height, enabling it to navigate tight situations, such as crowded areas, it is omni directional allowing smooth and natural motions, which is useful in human-robot-interaction. However, it comes at a cost of always needing to be in balance.


Rasmus Pedersen is a robotics researcher at Aalborg University, where his main focus areas are within system architecture, embedded hardware and software, control algorithms, and robot navigation and motion in human populated environments. Previously, Rasmus has been employed as an autonomy systems specialist at Nilfisk A/S, developing their autonomous solutions and services surrounding them. Also, Rasmus has a background within control theory, where he through his PhD conducted research in power systems control and smart grids. Specific interests relate to developing robust and commercially applicable robot solutions.